New guy.

New guy…

Hello everyone ! Yes I am an ordained minister. But unlike any that you have come in contact with. I am a very spiritual person. But , I have problems with most religions. I seek the truth. For I do beleive it will set me free. This brings me to why I come to this forum. I feel that there is much that the “church” has ether hidden, banned, or outright denied as coming from God. I ask what gives them the right? It is writen that in the end times, knowledge will increase. I believe that is twofold: Not only the cardinal, but the spiritual knowledge will increase. And this forum will be part of it. I do beleive that the Gnostic text has a lot to do with the truth that has been hidden from us for so long.

msn-dstoverden wrote on Dec 27, ’03

Glad to meet you on this new message board. Have you read the The DaVinci Code? Has it influenced you or at least heightened your interest in discovering more about what has been hidden?

It has had that effect on me. The most influential person of the 2nd century was a Bishop from Lyon named Irenaeus. More than any one other person, I believe he set the tone for aggression against all other interpreters of “The Word.” From 180 AD or CE which ever you prefer, the Christian or Catholic Church punished unmercifully anyone who challenged their interpretations.

My experience of seeing a whole new world of belief came not because of that book but another that I was reading, Thou Art That, edited articles by Joseph Campbell. That book did it for me. And it is exactly parallels the early gnostic theories that “God dwells within.”


msn-christis10 wrote on Dec 27, ’03

I would like to converse with you further, either in the forum or email.

I am a Mystical Theologian that recovered the original Divine Visual Meditation into the Heaven Realm for a Living Contact with the Christ Son, the means for unlimited Truth and Knowledge.

The awareness was a common practice for Jesus’ Disciples, the reason they were referred to as Christ Men and Women. He reintroduced the Quaternary of God, the Divine Life Program and the Salvation Program. A Program that has never changed throughout the centuries as it is the Immortal or Son or Daughter of God Education of Truth for the Transfiguration of material memory with its Higher Divine Aspect.

Truth sets you free, because it is Truth from the Living Presence of Christ, not man’s definition of truth. Divine Truth and Knowledge up builds for the human spiritual-soul to become a Divine Being of Light after reception of the Robe of Glory – an other story.

I hope you feel interested in further exchange.

msn-esinod2020 wrote on Dec 28, ’03


I have no idea what all this means…I joined the discussion group this morning, but did not post a message or send a reply. Perhaps I’ll learn more on this journey than anticipated!

Sorry if I have inconvenienced you in any way.

msn-dstoverden wrote on Dec 28, ’03

This is a new message board sponsored by a group called GnosticChristianity. It is an open discussion. William Keifert devoted many years to exploring and writing about a rationale for rethinking how Christians and others should think and act. But he has not been alone. There have been a host of prominent and well thought of people who have been reassessing the historical accuracy of the traditional stories of our religion.

A recent book, The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown is intriguing because although fictional the backdrop has been well researched for the purposes of the book’s theme – a coverup of secrets that would expose the Catholic Church’s denigration of Mary Magdalene.

So, anyway, those are a few comments for you to ponder. What was your interest in joining the group?


msn-revron8 wrote on Dec 28, ’03

Well Dave . My reason for joining this group . Was to find others that think like I do . All of the text that the “curch” has banned or tryed to hide from the world . Such as the Gnostic text .
Sparks my interest . In my opinion the “church” has done it’s best to keep it’s power and control . And anything that takes that power away from them . Is conciderd (by them) not of God . Instead of teaching the truth . They give us half truths and out right lies . It does say that in the end times that knowlage will be incressed . Everyone says that it’s the computers . I say it will be the truth that has been hidden from us all of these years .

msn-dstoverden wrote on Dec 28, ’03

Absolutely right Revron8. But when you speak of “truth” I get kinda uneasy. Who’s truth? Truth about what? The end of life? Resurrection? Judgement? If you look at the Guest Book you will see one signer who does his best to criticize Gnostic Christianity saying the following, ?”

True Christianity is neither “gnostic,” nor is it a private revelation granted to only a self-chosen few. It is the universal, objective, revealed Truth that God has reconciled sinful humanity to Himself. Gnosticism, and all the contemporary neo-gnosticisms claiming filiation with this ancient heresy, are in no way compatible with genuine Christianity. Groups like this represent nothing more than the ultimate expression of self-pride and -delusion. Read Colossians carefully and prayerfully.”

His name is Michael Langlais, Ph D. What do you say to his statement?

msn-christis10 wrote on Dec 29, ’03

Have you thought of attaining a Visual Meditative Awareness and enter into the Kingdom of the Lord and talking Personally to the Christ/Son about Truth? You will be presently surprised at the unlimited Knowledge and Truth when you do.

No more guessing about Truth. The Church, as a result of the Inquisition, deliberately refuses to acknowledge the Source of Truth and Work with it as it cannot control the masses through a blind mind to the Source of Truth.

If interested, I will share how you to get to the Truth or True Gnosticism.

msn-dstoverden wrote on Dec 30, ’03

If you were addressing your message to me, Metztli, I would be interested in what your approach is, if you want to share it on the message board. But not in getting involved in any special study, classes or seminars, or mind altering techniques of any kind. In fact, I am very satisfied with my present feet-on-the ground “practical” approach to achieving a blissful life ahead. That is the essence of GnosticChristianity in my view to achieve a state of mind, to attain “Gnosis” or to attain a state of transendance with the God within. Emphasis on “within.”

msn-christis10 wrote on Dec 30, ’03

Hi Destoverden,

I am not an organization.

<< my present feet-on-the ground "practical" approach to achieving a blissful life ahead.

** Being in the Christ's Presence should not change that.

That is the essence of GnosticChristianity in my view to achieve a state of mind, to attain "Gnosis"

** Yes, to access Divine Truth, the Source coming from the Kingdom – Personally in His Presence – not an other human.

or to attain a state of transendance with the God within. Emphasis on "within."

** You will.

msn-christis10 wrote on Dec 30, ’03

Dys –

In a Lab. Students who practiced Being in Christ’s Presence demonstrated: Inhanced IQ, Never sick because of an enhanced immune system, correct all mental illness, Scientist entered the Kingdom and into Temples to receive data that enhanced their research, student attended class to comprehend their math better – now getting straight “A” – the Right of Gnosis.

Most of my students lived with Jesus and entered into the Divine Realm and are now in the last stage of their Transfiguration of the Nature of God within their Spirit.

Here is the basic dialogue –


Pretend you are standing on a beautiful hill over looking your Garden or Country scene of your soul . . . Walk down a path to your Garden or Country Scene . . .

Relaxing as you pretend to walk down the hill so that by the time you get to the bottom of the hill you can see your Garden of your Soul in color . . .

Walk further into your Scene . . .

Feel the peace and beauty within your Garden . . .

I would like an escalator to form in front of you that is touching the Garden Floor and moving upward to a White Cloud and the Kingdom of the Lord . . .

Step forward onto the step and begin moving upward . . .

When you reach the top – the Cloud will be strong enough to hold you up . . .

Lets walk down a Path that forms in front of you . . .

Ask for a Divine Hill of Light to form. . .

Walk up the Hill to the presence of the Christ/Son/Jesus . . .

You have full telepathic exchange between the two of you . . .

(When done state) Walk down the Hill and to the edge of the Cloud where an escalator will form that will return you to the Garden . . .

Ride down to the Garden, and notice if it has changed . . .

It is reflecting your the addition of the Christ/Son’s Love

Qualities now within your spiritual-soul’s memory . . .

Awaken at will.

msn-dstoverden wrote on Dec 30, ’03

Well, Metz, looks like this could be helpful too some folks. Psychotherapy is a useful tool. My brother is trained in that field. I wish I had used something like that when I went to school. Could have used straight “A”s.


msn-christis10 wrote on Jan 20, ’04

Has your brother’s psychotherapy included the spirit’s influence on the mind’s psychic?

msn-dstoverden wrote on Jan 20, ’04

I don’t really know. Possibly. He is a very involved Episcopalian.