Greetings and welcome to Since launching in 2002, this site has generated many requests from people around the world seeking information on this subject, wishing to meet others sharing their ideas and interests, seeking information about local meetings, etc. If interested in meeting with others in your area, finding/sharing links to external groups, important sites, etc., please use our guestbook to share your ideas: I am completely open to helping to facilitate meetups but I don’t have much time to commit. Nonetheless, I am hoping this website will continue to serve as a positive means of interacting with the ideas at the heart of “The Practical Side of Heaven”… hopefully, to heal our thinking and the world around us.
AdministratorGnosticChristianity.comAbout the AuthorWilliam C. Kiefert was born in Milwaukee, Wis., on Sept. 19, 1937, and passed away in Jacksonville, Fla., on Dec. 1, 2003. One of four sons, Mr. Kiefert entered the U.S. Navy in 1955 and began his education in electronics that served him throughout his life. The father of five children, his vast extended family included legions of extremely close friends and comrades around the world. Together with his former wife, Dr. Virginia Martin, Kiefert operated Master Electric Inc. and an early pre-fab home business in Wisconsin while raising their children through the early 70s, then relocated to the Tampa area. There, they pursued multiple opportunities and ultimately built and operated a commercial fishing boat. At that point in time, Kiefert followed a deep internal drive to study philosophy, psychology and theology. These self-guided studies, conducted at Marquette, the Universities of Wisconsin and South Florida and Florida State and many private religious and philosophical seminars, led him to become a prominent advocate of what he termed Jesus’ private gnostic teachings as resources for the attainment of individual and social peace equating to “heaven on earth.” His published works include the article “The ABCs of Higher Consciousness and Social Logic” and the books “The Gnostic Christian Interpretation of The Gospel of John,” “The Gnostic Christian Interpretation of Paul’s Letter to the Romans,” and “The Practical Side of Heaven” – all of which are available on this website.
Those wishing to honor Mr. Kiefert are asked to visit and contribute to this website, to personally explore and carry on the ideas which meant the world to him.
thank you for your enligtening blog and website. Please take a moment to watch this video and take a look at My new book, The Miracle Workers Handbook: Seven Levels of Power and Manifestation of the Virgin Mary, I beleive is aligned with your principals. If you feel moved to share it, please do.
Here is quote from Margaret Starbird
Sherrie Dillard’s new book presents spiritual truths to bless today’s pilgrims learning to trust the spiritual guidance of intuition and synchronicity. Stories she shares about the miraculous are illustrations of a clear connection to the ‘Way’ of radical trust in the ‘Divine Presence’ in every facet of our human experience. (Margaret L. Starbird, author of ‘The Feminine Face of Christianity’ and ‘The Woman with the Alabaster Jar,
thanks so much
I would like to know where are your churches in Orlando Florida. Please let me know…
Thank you for posting a resource for those of us that love God and Messiah but aren’t comfortable with what the modern church has become. The church as the body of Christ has underwent changes over the centuries to maintain it’s reach to over changing cultural landscapes. These changes have always been ushered in by the arrival of a prophet or event ( Constantine, Martin Luther, ect.) I believe the discovery of the Nag-Hammadi library was just such an event. I am looking for like minded people along the northern Gulf of Mexico. North west Florida, southern Alabama and Mississippi. Thanks again, and God Bless.
Please help me! I have sooo many questions about the Gnostic Bible? Both new and old testaments? Please gimme your email address so that I may ask you all my many questions? It won’t let me email you when I click on the envolope link thingee? I am very confused? PLEASE?! No one else I asked is answering! Thank you!
Hello, I have so many questions about the texts, as well as finding some links in some of my own theories. I was, at best, a spiritual person who was unsure. I spent some time at a Christian college, and what it has done is wet my appetite for more knowledge. I am very interested in much, and would like to have some theological conversations to all with a somewhat decent knowledge base. Please, any and all email me!