Learn more about The Practical Side of Heaven
Copyright William C. Kiefert. All Rights Reserved.
“True” Gnostic Christianity is an objective body of knowledge that Jesus taught. It is not a mystery religion or heretical cult. Gnostic Christianity teaches a non-judgmental “process” of reasoning. This new process is justified by a natural principle that Jesus revealed and science now supports. Combining non-judgmental reasoning with the current judgmental process, expands our consciousness of reality. In this enlightened consciousness we are personally empowered to resolve all problems and as Paul said, “live the good life as from the beginning He [God] had meant us to live it.” (Eph 2:10)
The principle that Jesus revealed is, like Newton’s Theory of Gravity, true for everyone, everywhere, and for all time. One does not have to hold a particular doctrine, believe a particular religion or philosophy, or have a particular spiritual orientation to profit from Jesus’ theory. We need only understand the theory to benefit from its wisdom, for it can change the character of our thoughts and, in turn, our consciousness of reality. Simply said, the goal of Gnostic Christianity is to make the reasoning mind an instrument of our spiritual nature—globally.
Evidence that Jesus taught a process of reasoning that could expand consciousness surfaces in Jn 8:31-32 jbv, where he says, “If you make my word your home… you will learn the truth and the truth will set you free [word or will of God is the English translation of the Greek term logos, which refers to the logic or reasoning of God].” And in Rm 12:2 (rsv) Paul said “do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”
The Gnosis, or reasoning process, that Gnostic Christianity introduces, does not contradict Jesus’ spiritually-centered public teachings. It documents what scholars refer to as Jesus’ oral or logos/logic tradition, which he taught in private (Mk 4:33-34). These teachings elevate our reasoning mind to that of the will/reasoning of God. In this renewed mind, our reasoning supports spiritual values. This is the truth that can set us free. For when mind and spirit seek the same ends (syzygy) doing “on earth as it is in heaven” will no longer be an idealistic goal, it will be a practical reality (Matt 6:10).