A Rabbi (Deborah Schuldenfrei), a Pastor (Toure Roberts) and an Imam (Jihad Turk) walk into a bar… or in this case, a diner. The subject of their conversation is “The Story of God” – the new National Geographic Channel series starring Morgan Freeman – and the big question, “Who is God?” Here are some of the answers they offer in this promo for the series, released last week.
Rabbi: I think it’s really intimidating to just start a conversation about God, who is God or where is God, and how these questions are related to each other.
Pastor: In the Christian tradition, God Almighty is the creator of all things… He’s my everything.
Rabbi: I think one important understanding within Judaism is that faith in God is not a requirement to be a Jew.
Imam: In the Islamic context, God is the beginning and the end, and all in between. Yet… while God is in charge of all things, and all of what we would call nature, He’s also connected to each one of us in a personal way.
The show’s excerpts and promos are being compiled by National Geographic in a YouTube Playlist you can find here.