What brought you here?

Originally contributed by Dave Stoverden in Colorado on Dec. 28, 2003.

This is a new message board sponsored by a group called GnosticChristianity. It is an open discussion. William Keifert devoted many years to exploring and writing about a rationale for rethinking how Christians and others should think and act. But he has not been alone. There have been a host of prominent and well thought of people who have been reassessing the historical accuracy of the traditional stories of our religion. A recent book, The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown is intriguing because although fictional the backdrop has been well researched for the purposes of the book’s theme – a coverup of secrets that would expose the Catholic Church’s denigration of Mary Magdalene.

So, anyway, those are a few comments for you to ponder. What was your interest in joining the group?


  1. Well Dave . My reason for joining this group . Was to find others that think like I do . All of the text that the “curch” has banned or tryed to hide from the world . Such as the Gnostic text . Sparks my interest . In my opinion the “church” has done it’s best to keep it’s power and control. And anything that takes that power away from them is conciderd (by them) not of God. Instead of teaching the truth they give us half truths and outright lies. It does say that in the end times that knowlage will be incressed. Everyone says that it’s the computers. I say it will be the truth that has been hidden from us all of these years.

  2. Absolutely right RevRon. But when you speak of “truth” I get kinda uneasy. Who’s truth? Truth about what? The end of life? Resurrection? Judgement? If you look at the Guest Book you will see one signer who does his best to criticize Gnostic Christianity saying the following, “True Christianity is neither “gnostic,” nor is it a private revelation granted to only a self-chosen few. It is the universal, objective, revealed Truth that God has reconciled sinful humanity to Himself. Gnosticism, and all the contemporary neo-gnosticisms claiming filiation with this ancient heresy, are in no way compatible with genuine Christianity. Groups like this represent nothing more than the ultimate expression of self-pride and -delusion. Read Colossians carefully and prayerfully.”

    His name is Michael Langlais, Ph D. What do you say to his statement?

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