Copyright William C. Kiefert. All Rights Reserved.
Originally written on April 24, 2002.
Just as waves and particles are different dimensions of light, science and religion are different dimensions of one reality. To construct a bridge between science and religion, we must FIRST recognize that we cannot logically understand both within the same system of logical laws any more than we can understand waves in terms we use to explain particles.
STEP TWO is to recognize that our present system of logic is unfinished. Traditional logic is inherently exclusive and judgmental. Science can be understood in the context-consciousness of traditional logic. Religious values, however cannot. Religious values are naturally inclusive and nonjudgmental – and therefore antipathetic to existing logic.
STEP THREE is obvious: We need to expand our definition of logic to encompass nonjudgmental values. Expanding our definition of logic broadens our perspective and consciousness of reality. In this enlightened consciousness, we will be enpowered to recognize that the seemingly uncrossable skism between science and religion is natural. The skism exists because our logic is unfinished.
In short, the bridge between science and religion is to recognize that both correctly describe reality even though they describe it differently. Just as waves and particles describe light even though they are different. To paraphase Neil Bohr the famous physicist, the opposite of a most profound truth may be another most profound truth.
THE GOOD NEWS IS that there are both religious and scientific reasons that demonstrate the necessity of creating an additional system of nonjudgmental logic. Essentially, our present system is justified by Plato’s theory of forms… i.e., every class (meaning every object and idea) has one form essence or nature. The “three basic rules of logic” exemplify Plato’s theory. However, as in the example of light being both a wave and a particle, contempory physics demonstrates that “some” classes have more than one nature at the same time.
Our present system of logic, logically applies only to classes that have one nature. The new physics demonstrate that some classes have multiple natures. How can anyone prove that humanity shares only one human nature?