The perfect prayer

Originally posted on Jan 10, ’04 6:48 AM by zzzoutdoorgirl for everyone.

Because I have grown up in a Christian environment that is bible based, I often pray the Lord’s Prayer, when I want to begin to leave the mundane and focus on the spiritual.

What would a Gnostic’s prayer be?

No answers are wrong……..I just want to know what you guys would think.

Lets say a friend has a son that gets put in jail for a long time, and you want her to be comforted, or something like that.

How would you pray about it? Would you even pray?

My old prayers dont seem to work if God is within me? Do I pray to myself?

Just interested in what you all might think.

msn-dstoverden wrote on Jan 10, ’04

zzz – That is an interesting question. How do you pray? As an Gnostic? I have to remind myself occasionally – well I still consider myself a Christian. hmm………

msn-christis10 wrote on Jan 11, ’04

<<Lets say a friend has a son that gets put in jail for a long time, and you want her to be comforted, or something like that.

My old prayers dont seem to work if God is within me? Do I pray to myself?

** The present Gnostic material reality is not original Gnosticism.

<<What would a Gnostic's prayer be?

** Original Gnosticism would be attaining a inner visual state and guided into the Divine Realm and to the Christ/Son or Holy Spirit/Daughter's Presence, where you would then ask about your friend in jail. You could be shown how or what life experiences placed negative memories within his consciousness that created his psycho-nature weakness. And then you petition for Grace or carry out Their Divine Suggestions.

Here is a response to an other post.

<< Maybe the key is the Gnostic belief that holds that we should strive to "know" the God within us?

** Well, this sure feeds your ego for a good sell to remain within the mind. Rather, I would say Gnosis is the Source to attain the Father and Mother's Presence where you gain Knowledge that leads to Wisdom.

But, lets think about it – lets use adult Responsible Higher Reasoning. God, the Father and Mother, who Designed and Rules the Nebulae, of which the planet earth is a member of, and Who Never Leaves the Center is some how in your mortal spiritual body – again, I say the means to Attain Their Presence is there to be awakened. God, the Mother and Father's Son and Daughter rule this planet and answer prayers.

May I suggest that you still Pray for God's Help for self and others. Don't get caught into new age easy sell to the ego that appeals to self comfort and non-responsibility to others or self.

msn-esinod2020 wrote on Jan 12, ’04
I think the guy in jail is the one who needs to do the praying!

msn-christis10 wrote on Jan 12, ’04
Here is a passage from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas –

But the kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you. [Schneemelcher, op cit, 3]

** From an inner state of visualization you can climb to the Kingdom of the Lord (outside of you).

“Recognize what is in front of you, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you, for there is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest. [Schneemelcher, op cit, 5]

** Study in the Temples of Heaven

Jesus said: I am the light that is above them all. I am the all; the all came forth from me, and the all returned to me. Cleave a piece of wood: I am there. Raise up a stone, and you will find me there. [Schneemelcher, op cit, 70]

** Stone is a symbol of your spirit, “Raise it up into the Kingdom and you will find Him.

Enter into the Light that is above all things.

Gnosticism is the Ideal of the Living Promise found within the Kingdom of the Lord.

msn-zzzoutdoorgirl wrote on Jan 15, ’04
Very interesting passages.

msn-esinod2020 wrote on Mar 4, ’04

Many people think they don’t know how to pray. Just think of God as a

great river that runs through the universe. The idea of prayer is not

to pull God out of the stream but to put yourself into the stream with


-excerpted from How To Enjoy Life’s Special Pleasures, by Joni Rodgers

msn-kokopelliworm wrote on Aug 30, ’04

Regarding Prayer:

Is it not true that the Essenes had a 5 part code to Compassion?

1) All things come from a single Source (God the Creator)

2) All things occur as they should and when they should (Divine Order or things)

3) All of our life experiences reflect our Spirit’s quest to know itself

4) All of our life experiences offer us an opportunity to demostrate Mastery

5) Eternal Life

If we truly understand, embrace and live the above 5 codes, we become Compassion. If we truly understand, embrace and live the above 5 codes, our Prayers will reflect the same.

Compassion is more than just a sympathetic response to someone in need. Compassion is a frame of mind, an understanding, a learned way of life. Compassion is a consciously applied way to live.

Please see the attached Prayer.

We can Bless…………….Blessed be you and me.

Offered with Love,


Attachment: The Lords Prayer.doc

msn-esinod2020 wrote on Aug 30, ’04

Thank you for the prayer; it was good to re visit it in this way. I listened to my four year old grandaughter sing song her Grace before dinner. I told her,”Well you sang God a song of thanks, now let’s pray”..

So often our daily prayers become rote, thanks for reviving this interpretation of the perfect prayer.

msn-kokopelliworm wrote on Aug 30, ’04

Thank you

Your writing is inspirational.

I offer one in return.



Attachment: Right and Wrong.doc

msn-kokopelliworm wrote on Aug 31, ’04


If we find our Prayers becoming “rote”, it is because we are not living in God, being one with the Creator, walking with the Source of all things……….

Indeed, this is the most difficult and challenging aspiration (to walk with God), but one that will take us to Christ Consciousness and Compassion………where Prayers are never rote.

It sounds like you teach your children well……..compliments to you.

Your devotion is heard in your words………….


Words without thought are empty.

Words spoken without intent are as if dead.

Words lacking deed fall upon deaf ears.

To have meaning, words must be born of thought, strengthened by intent and supported by deeds.

Intent without deed is but fantasy.

Deed without harmony of thought, feeling and emotion may not have the desired outcome.

May you be one with God,


msn-esinod2020 wrote on Aug 31, ’04
Thank you. We must do our best.

Please pray for me as I have just been given a daunting diagnosis that will take 2-3 years and thousands of dollars to rectify. I am a bit stunned at what I must face and could use a little support. I must remember that even the worse things that befall us are opportunities to strengthen our faith and stand tall before adversity. It would help to know that my friends on the Practical Side of Heaven are pulling
for me!
Peace, Donise

Dance like
nobody is watching
Work like you don’t need the money
Love like you’ve
never been hurt
Live like it’s Heaven on Earth

msn-esinod2020 wrote on Aug 31, ’04

Thank you so much!


msn-kokopelliworm wrote on Sep 1, ’04

Dear sister Donise:

Indeed you are included in my Prayers.

We can create for ourselves sickness or health through our “Thought, Feeling and Emotion”, but all three must be in harmony with each other…….in sync so to speak.

It’s kind of like an advanced creative visualization, but again, thought feeling and emotion must be coincident.

Thought is the generator. Feeling is the conduit. Emotion is the vector or manifestation. Think that you are being healed, Feel that you are being healed and Emote that you ARE healed. Do not allow doubt………

I start with Prayer, then center myself and meditate (or self hypnosis), then I create (using thought, feeling and emotion), then let it go. That’s just my technique, each person developes their own way. However, no matter what technique you develop for yourself, your thought, feeling and emotion must be focused and in sync. Be specific with what you create and don’t let it get overly complicated. If it’s a complex creation (multi faceted), then you may want to break it down into simplier individual parts so as not to make it overly complicated. After your creating session (for lack of a better term), Pray to God your thankfulness for the gift (ability to create) and gratitude for the success of your creation………emote success.

If you truly believe……and harmonize your thoughts, feelings and emotions……it works. This is not accomplished with strength of will (don’t strain your brain), it is simply accomplished by harmonizing your thoughts, feelings and emotions……try not to try too hard.

I will pray for Gods support in your endeavor and for your well being.

Know that God can heal you, others can heal you……..and you can heal yourself.

For me the hardest challenge is to truly know my thoughts so that I’m sure they are in sync with my feelings and emotion. Thought has multi levels and our brains often hide some of our thoughts in the subconscious.

Prayers and Blessings to you dearest Donise,


msn-esinod2020 wrote on Sep 1, ’04
Thank you so much for your prayers and insights. Had you not opened this discussion, I doubt that I would have been moved to request prayer, as I have rarely done that. I generally am very self reliant and seldom ask for help. I was at a low point yesterday, quite unable to see the forest for the trees.

Well, I will have you know that mere hours after I logged off, the phone rang. It was an old friend whose dilemma was a solution to the financial part of my plight. Was it a coincidence that he called last evening, after you sent prayers up on my behalf? No! It was the hand of God, the culling of our collective consciousness that presented the solution to my problem. You see, the diagnosis wasn’t the problem. The ability to pay for medical services out of pocket was. I am one of America’s working poor who cannot afford life insurance, or health insurance, so a medical problem might mean the loss of freedom. By helping my friend, I will only have to, with the help of my Doctor, heal and grow. I won’t have to move in with my Mother to afford it! It seems so simple, but yesterday, I required assistance to see. I am certain that all worked to benefit my situation and I am humbled by the power of positive thought and visualization evidenced here. God is Love.

This is a fine time to be alive! Thank you all, my unseen friends, so much.
Peace Love Compassion,


msn-jazzraptor wrote on Sep 4, ’04

“Live like it’s Heaven on Earth !!”

Hi all! I wanted to thank Roger for inviting me to join the board.

Here’s a free download of a song of mine called “Heaven On Earth”:

I think the Lord’s Prayer is a fine prayer:

Thy Kingdom Come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven.

Seems pretty gnostic to me!

msn-esinod2020 wrote on Sep 4, ’04

It is the perfect prayer! It just took some of us longer to realize it than others!LOL!

When I was a girl, I was required to pray the rosary at school. The focus amongst students was to recite as quickly as possible the Hail Mary’s and the big bead is an Our Father over and over again. In retrospect, I realize the ensuing drone that emanated from the church as we did our duty was in effect, a prayerful chant, no matter how mindlessly we performed. We were children, and getting 100 children to pray or feign prayer was something that only the nuns did. We were like little prayer boxes. We collected money for starving African babies and such. We studied the suffering of Saints. We were pious little spiritual busy bees. Funny thing is I wasn’t even Catholic! My Grandfather was a Methodist minister! But it was all “Church” and all “God” all the time! So I developed the ability to be accepting of different approaches early on.

On my recent camping trip, Olivia, the 4 y.o. was waiting for dry clothes after swimming all day. I looked in and she was sitting on the top bunk with her head slightly tilted upward and her little brown arms out stretched with the thumb and second finger connected in a circle. Her legs were crossed in a semi lotus position. I asked her, “Are you remembering?” She said “Yes”. I told her to chant “Om” since she had displayed that particular posture. She did it a second, and her sister arrived with dry clothes. I told Nailah what I saw and asked where Olivia might have seen anyone pray like that and she said, “On TV” .

So what I saw as proof of this child’s past lives or perhaps divine intervention was just this girl mimicking something to please her “Yah Yah? Perhaps. What do you

I think that there are many rooms in my Father’s house. I am enjoying this tour.


Love and Blessings, Donise

msn-esinod2020 wrote on Sep 5, ’04

Dear Person who Im’d me, Sunday Morning: Sorry! I accidentally disconnected my computer then spent ages looking for you! Thanks for you comments and feel free to email at


  1. Just because the Christos exists within us, it in not the same as our physical being. It is a wholly spiritual thing. So when we pray or communicate with the Christos, we must first meditate to connect with that spark of divinity within us, and when we are in communion with it, then we can speak with it for prayer or just spiritual conversation. Such experiences are what help the Christos to grow and develop until eventually (as is the ultimate goal) the Christos develops into a being which overtakes and envelopes our physical being transmuting our physical being into a wholly spiritual being, which is called Christification. This is the process which allowed Yashua to become Yashua the Christ. So we are not praying to ourselves, we are praying to the piece of the Divine Creator placed within us to aid us in reconnecting with the Divine Creator.

    Our Father (Divine Creator) who art in heaven (exists in a state of pure being)
    Hallowed be thy name (when we are in perfect communion with the Christos we will be bestowed with a word by which we will understand the nature of the Creator)
    Thy kingdom come (by development of the Christos we will attain to a perfected state as did Yashua the Christ)
    Thy will be done (through meditation and communion with the Christos we will always be aware of the path our Creator wishes us to follow individually)
    On earth as it is in heaven (We will elevate our physical being through transmutation to a perfected state of being)
    Give us this day our daily bread (through a daily meditation and communion we receive our spiritual nourishment necessary for that days growth and development of our Christos)
    And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (we are only human and our Creator knows we are going to screw us sometimes and yet the Creator loves us unconditionally and will provide us with as many chances as necessary so in our effort to attain reconnection with our creator we should view our fellow children of our Creator with the same unconditional love)
    Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (asking the Christos to always lead us in the direction we should go, self explanatory)
    For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever, Amen (self explanatory)

  2. Really liked what you had to say in your post, The perfect prayer |, thanks for the good read!
    — Clark

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